Compartmentalization of bicarbonate-sensitive adenylyl cyclase in distinct signaling microdomains.

TitleCompartmentalization of bicarbonate-sensitive adenylyl cyclase in distinct signaling microdomains.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsZippin JH, Chen Y, Nahirney P, Kamenetsky M, Wuttke MS, Fischman DA, Levin LR, Buck J
JournalFASEB J
Date Published2003 Jan
KeywordsAdenylyl Cyclases, Animals, Bicarbonates, Cell Compartmentation, Cell Line, Transformed, Cell Nucleus, Centrioles, COS Cells, Humans, Microscopy, Confocal, Microtubules, Mitochondria, Models, Biological, Signal Transduction

Intracellular targets of the ubiquitous second messenger cAMP are located at great distances from the most widely studied source of cAMP, the G protein responsive transmembrane adenylyl cyclases. We previously identified an alternative source of cAMP in mammalian cells lacking transmembrane spanning domains, the "soluble" adenylyl cyclase (sAC). We now demonstrate that sAC is distributed in specific subcellular compartments: mitochondria, centrioles, mitotic spindles, mid-bodies, and nuclei, all of which contain cAMP targets. Distribution at these intracellular sites proves that adenylyl cyclases are in close proximity to all cAMP effectors, suggesting a model in which local concentrations of cAMP are regulated by individual adenylyl cyclases targeted to specific microdomains throughout the cell.

Alternate JournalFASEB J.
PubMed ID12475901